Book a court (members)

The information below is for members. If you are NOT a member, please see here

The tennis court is open.  

How members can book the tennis court:

  1. Check the calendar at the bottom of this page to see if the court is free at the time you want. 
  2. Ensure that your email address is already registered with us as a recognised sharer of the calendar.  Go to , login, find the cardinham sports calendar and make the booking directly.  To register for this, please call on 01208 821409 or 07842 612989, or message the Cardinham Sports facebook page; and we will then arrange for you to receive a mail from google with a link to allow you to enter bookings on the calendar – note that you will need to have (or to create) your own gmail email address.
  3. Open the calendar, select the date and start-time, and click.  Make sure you are booking for Cardinham Sports, rather than your own personal calendar.  Enter your name.  The court is now booked for you. If you want longer than an hour, enter a  later finish time.  Do NOT delete someone else’s booking –  we have to operate on trust.
  4. If you decide later not to use the court, please cancel your booking so others can use it.

If you are having problems, aren’t sure if your booking has gone through OK, or don’t have good internet access, phone 01208 821409 or 07842 612989 and the booking can be made for you.

To book a court, go to and log in as explained above,